Decreto-flussi 2024: "Click days" for hiring foreign workers postponed to March 18, 21, and 25
The Circular of the Ministry of the Interior, protocol number 641 dated January 29, 2024, has postponed by over a month the submission of applications to bring in and hire foreign workers in Italy within the framework of the 151,000 quotas authorized by the government for 2024 under the Flow Decree.
The Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of January 19, 2024 (published in the Official Gazette General Series No. 26 of February 1, 2024), has modified the schedule for “click days” (initially scheduled for February 5, 7, and 12) for different types of workers as follows:
On March 18, starting from 9:00, applications can be submitted for non-seasonal subordinate workers who are citizens of countries with cooperation agreements with Italy.
On March 21, starting from 9:00, applications can be submitted for other non-seasonal subordinate workers (including those in the family and socio-health assistance sector).
On March 25, starting from 9:00, applications can be submitted for seasonal workers. The relevant operational instructions will be disseminated by the Ministry of the Interior following the publication of the aforementioned Prime Ministerial Decree.