Every year the government limits the number of foreigners who can work in Italy. The rules are contained in a law called Decreto Flussi. Read all the useful information to know Decreto Flussi for 2023-2025.

Decreto Flussi is an instrument of the Italian government that limits how many people can enter Italy to work from countries that do not belong to the European Union.

Specifically, the decreto flussi specifies the general number of non-EU citizens who can enter Italy for lavoro stagionale (seasonal work), lavoro subordinato (dependent work) and lavoro autonomo self-employed and the necessary requirements.

1. Quotas for Non-Seasonal Work (lavoro dipendente):

  • 25,000 entries in 2024 for citizens of specific countries.
  • 20,000 entries for citizens of other countries with cooperation agreements.
  • 100 entries for people with Italian ancestry from Venezuela (90 lavoro subordinato and 10 lavoro autonomo).
  • 200 entries for stateless or refugee individuals recognized by the UNHCR.
  • 9,500 entries for non-seasonal workers in the family and social health care sector.

2. Quotas for Seasonal Work (lavoro stagionale):

  • 89,500 people accepted in Italy by 2024 for secondary seasonal work.
  • Various categories, including 12,000 seasonal workers from cooperating countries and 3,000 workers from states promoting campaigns against illegal immigration.

3. Sectors for Non-Seasonal Work in 2024:

  • Road transport of goods on behalf of third parties.
  • Construction sector.
  • Tourism and hotels sector.
  • Mechanical, engineering, and telecommunications sector.
  • Food and shipbuilding sectors.
  • Passenger transport sector.
  • Fishing.
  • Electrician.
  • Plumbing and self-employment sector.

4. Conversion of Residence Permits:

  • 4,000 units for converting lavoro dipendente permits in 2024.
  • 100 units for converting EU residence permits for long-term residents working in secondary jobs.
  • 50 units for converting EU residence permits for long-term residents who are self-employed.

5. Extra-Quota Entries:

  • Entries outside quotas for citizens of countries with repatriation agreements.
  • Promotion of vocational and civic-linguistic education.
  • Entry of stateless foreign refugee workers who completed education and training activities.
  • Valuing study and training courses for foreign citizens in Italy.

6. Application Process:

  • Online applications through the website jobjoj.com with SPID credentials.
  • Different application days for seasonal and non-seasonal workers in March 2024.

7. After Approval:

  • Once nulla osta is approved, applicants can apply for an entry visa.
  • The visa is then used to enter Italy and apply for a residence permit within six months.

8. Rejection:

  • If the nulla osta application is rejected, there is no possibility to obtain a visa in the same year.

9. International Protection:

  • Individuals seeking international protection should follow a different procedure.